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Search Results (21)

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Brief report: non-random X chromosome inactivation in females with autism.Academic Article Why?
Comparison of X-chromosome inactivation patterns in multiple tissues from human females.Academic Article Why?
Molecular signatures of X chromosome inactivation and associations with clinical outcomes in epithelial ovarian cancer.Academic Article Why?
X-chromosome inactivation patterns in females with Prader-Willi syndrome.Academic Article Why?
X chromosome inactivation and candidate gene studies in females with autismGrant Why?
An integrative approach to assess X-chromosome inactivation using allele-specific expression with applications to epithelial ovarian cancer.Academic Article Why?
Analysis of expressed SNPs identifies variable extents of expression from the human inactive X chromosome.Academic Article Why?
Epigenetic regulation of ADME-related genes: focus on drug metabolism and transport.Academic Article Why?
Prediction of CYP2D6 phenotype from genotype across world populations.Academic Article Why?
Detoxification of aldehydes by histidine-containing dipeptides: from chemistry to clinical implications.Academic Article Why?
Drug metabolism for the paediatrician.Academic Article Why?
Effects of aging on mRNA profiles for drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters in livers of male and female mice.Academic Article Why?
Limited association of the 2988g > a single nucleotide polymorphism with CYP2D641 in black subjects.Academic Article Why?
Pharmacogene Variation Consortium: A Global Resource and Repository for Pharmacogene Variation.Academic Article Why?
Reactions of the nitroso and hydroxylamine metabolites of sulfamethoxazole with reduced glutathione. Implications for idiosyncratic toxicity.Academic Article Why?
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  • X Chromosome Inactivation
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